Global elites plan to transform national economies and erode sovereignty under the guise of protecting the planet and social justice
In this modern-day media-saturated environment, perhaps you might have caught a glimpse of the term “The Great Reset” while scrolling through your Facebook or Twitter feed. No doubt, like many others, you paid little heed to the post or tweet put on by a friend or follower. You weren’t interested, or your thoughts were on a million other distractions. But, if your interest was piqued, you clicked on the link and were most likely both amazed and terrified by what you read.
So, what exactly is “The Great Reset?”
While the world has been going ballistic with anxiety over the past eight months or so due primarily to the COVID-19 pandemic and the devastating economic fallout and political instability that has ensued, the uber-wealthy elites over at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have struck when the iron is hot, so to speak, to push for their vision of a world where capitalism has been reformed, and replaced by economic systems that address the global crisis of extreme poverty, inequality, climate change and a host of other issues.
As you read through this, you’re probably thinking ‘great news.’ And I am inclined to agree. It’s a small, small world, after all. Humans are more interconnected today than at any other time in history, meaning there is a greater chance that issues taking place in countries other than our own are more likely to affect us in some way than in centuries past.
But, before people latch onto this utopian vision of environmental bliss, equality, and social justice, they should be aware that if elites such as WEF founder Klaus Schwab have their way, the rights they currently enjoy — rights fought for by previous generations — are at risk of going the way of the dodo bird.
To put it in layman’s terms, in order to save the planet and bring about true equality — at least according to the fascist oligarchs over at the WEF, the model of free-market capitalism that has served western nations for hundreds of years must be abolished in favor of one that includes a more inclusive social contract whereby the workers would have control but there would be no ownership. If you’re in any way acquainted with history, you might be thinking that this proposal sounds rather communist in nature.
And, as it turns out, you’d be spot-on. But wait, it gets even more frightening.
Heaven forbid, if this grand vision for a dystopian world in chains ever comes to fruition, while us peons will be forced into lower standards of living in the name of equality, these same elites will continue to live their lavish existence. To add further insult to injury, free speech, the rule of law, and private property rights will become relics of the past.
Keeping in line with the United Nations Agenda 2030, the WEF has even stated that in a decade’s time, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” In other words, you will rent everything you need. And, if that isn’t enough of a letdown, you most likely will be jobless and have debts or be bankrupt due to the lockdowns and restrictions on business. But hey, if embracing a system of planetary socialism is required to save the planet, it’s worth giving up our liberties and national sovereignty, right?
You may also be shocked to learn that many world leaders have signed onto this sellout of their respective countries, including President-elect Joe Biden, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who stated recently a UN summit that “the pandemic provides a great opportunity for a reset.”
In truth, the Great Reset is a great deception. Don’t fall for it.
If there is to be a ‘great reset’ of sorts along moral and economic lines, let it be one that embraces the true principles of freedom such as true free-market capitalism, free speech, gun rights, and property rights.
Furthermore, in order to stem the lockstep tide toward a global world without borders, countries that value their sovereignty and freedoms must embrace nationalism. Otherwise, we will have sold future generations into a world of bondage.
About the author
Chris is a professional freelance writer. He uses his expert knowledge, skills, and personal experience in writing about such topics as real estate, travel, fitness, politics, and digital marketing to create innovative, entertaining, and engaging content for his clients. He writes for Elephant Journal, Medium, TravelPlus, ThriveGlobal, The Canadian Firearms Journal, and more. His specialty is writing articles and books as well as copywriting and editing and proofreading.
“Professor Klaus Schwab Believes a ‘Global Reset’ Is Possible.” Euronews, 19 Nov. 2020,
Todhunter, Colin. “Dystopian ‘Great Reset’: ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’, Being Human in 2030.” Global Research, 21 Nov. 2020,
News, Postmedia. “EDITORIAL: Trudeau, Great Reset Not Part of Conspiracy — but Also Not beyond Critique.” Torontosun, Toronto Sun, 22 Nov. 2020,
Salvato, Frank, et al. “World Economic Forum-Endorsed ‘Great Reset’ Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property.” National File, 21 Nov. 2020,